1. fire
2. 6
3. Southern
4. plants
5. Sahelanthropus tchadensis
1. The climate change influence the development of human's brain, because the humans have to develop their habilities to survive in a wild weather. Also, the fluctuation of weather determinate if the humans grow their number of reduce it.
2. I think the most important milestone is the dawn of technology, because humans could develop their skills and could make something with their minds, they could learn and create things that were useful for them.
3. The Australopithecus Africanus would be the first in use tools made from stone.
4. The first human specie to travel to and live in Europe was the Homo Heidelbergensis, about 700.000 to 200.000 years ago.
5. The Homo erectus for two million years, the Paranthropus boisei and the Australophitecus Africanus for one million years approximately.